Chopper movie
Chopper movie

chopper movie

Hair-Trigger Temper: Chopper is unbalanced and a danger to everyone around him, even people he's being friendly towards.Foe Cooties: Chopper gets it into his head that Tanya has been having sex with his enemy Neville Bartos.Fan of Underdog: While in prison, Chopper goes out of his way to help and support the weaker prisoners who have no chance of surviving on their own.Even Evil Has Standards: Chopper won't kill Jimmy Loughnan in front of his own children, despite knowing Jimmy has taken a contract out on Chopper's head.Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Chopper's dad.

chopper movie

When the guy throws the cigarette back at him, Chopper says "You don't much like me, do you, Keith." This all happens in the first nine minutes of the film. Then, as the guy lies on the floor in a huge pool of blood, Chopper asks him if he's all right, tells him it's going to be fine, and offers him a cigarette. So, without any provocation whatever, he comes up to the guy during exercise and stabs him multiple times in the face. Establishing Character Moment: Chopper decides that for him to be the most powerful guy in his prison division, another prisoner has to be got out of the way.When even that doesn't work, and Jimmy finally backs away with Oh, Crap! written all over his face and suggests that it might be a good idea for Chopper to lie down, Chopper calmly replies "What for?" Then, when he does figure out what's got into Jimmy, he tries to give him a forgiving hug. Then he doesn't understand why Jimmy's done it. At first, Chopper doesn't even notice that it's happened.

chopper movie

  • Dissonant Serenity: An extremely disturbing example, when Jimmy stabs Chopper.
  • Cold Cash: Neville Bartos keeps his cash this way.
  • The Charmer: Chopper is a criminal and murderer but he's still an immensely charismatic and likable person that pretty much everyone takes to liking.
  • Cassandra Truth: Chopper attempts to confess to the police after shooting The Turk, but they don't believe him.
  • Amazingly The Turk manages to walk several feet before collapsing.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Chopper gives one to The Turk via a small shotgun.
  • Bookends: The film opens and closes with the same scene: Chopper in his cell, watching a TV news report about himself with two prison guards.
  • Blatant Lies: After Chopper's stabbed Keith in the opening scene and is being interrogated by the prison authorities, he says "None of us saw anything, it was just one of those things.".
  • Biopic: Yes, Chopper Read was a real guy, and yes, he was actually like that.
  • Berserker Tears: Chopper has these right after attacking Keith.
  • Beauty Inversion: The usually very handsome and muscular Eric Bana is almost unrecognizable as the heavyset, tattooed, scarred and generally unattractive Chopper.
  • Chopper: You could use that in your passport!

    Chopper movie